Membership Application

Please read carefully before submitting your completed application.


Annual subscriptions are due on January 31.

Applications may take time to be processed as they are only considered at the monthly committee meetings. However applications may be considered, and processed by the President and the Treasurer, but final acceptance is made at the next committee meeting.

No applicants may use the Club's facilities until:

  1. They have received written or verbal confirmation that their application has been accepted.
  2. They have been assigned an account code.
  3. They have completed a familiarisation briefing to the satisfaction of the Flight Operations Member. This will include a sound knowledge of the Club's Constitution, By-laws, and Current Procedure Notes. It is the member's responsibility to remain conversant with club procedures and Flight Orders at all times. Actions that compromise safety, property, or the reputation of the Club will not be tolerated.
  4. They have completed a flight check as directed by the Flight Operations Coordinator, and to the satisfaction of the Chief Flying Instructor,
    OR if required, they have been assigned an instructor under the discretion and control of the Chief Flying Instructor/Flight Operations Member.
Registration Options
Please complete the following;
Create Profile
password strength indicator
Additional Info

Next of Kin Details

Please also complete the following;

Security Verification
Complete Registration